Surface Preparation – Waterless cleaning and surface pretreatment for parts prior to painting and coating.
Particle Removal – CO2 spray cleaning for removing various contaminants, including dust, debris, and light oils from the part surface.
Automated, Waterless, No-Touch Solutions
CO2 Cleans Quicker with Less Energy and Labor Costs Than Your Current Cleaning Process!
Core Industries for CO2 Solutions
CO2 cleaning solves your challenging automotive manufacturing problems.
OEM’s – Reduces energy consumption to lower overall CO2 emissions and decreases labor cost.
Tier Suppliers – CO2 cleaning solutions tailored to your customer specification with a small footprint, reduced labor, and less rework / scrap rates. Ideal for Electric Vehicle manufacturing over water-based cleaners.
Solder Flux Removal – Cleaning and defluxing electronic components.
Particle Removal – CO2 spray cleaning for removing particles, including submicron particles, from the electronic surface.
CO2 cleaning solves your challenging electronics manufacturing problems.
Dry – no water or harsh solvents
Lower energy usage
Touchless cleaning and easily automated
Reduced labor / manpower
LCO2 Sterilization – Sterilization without EtO or gamma radiation.
Silicone Extraction – Solvent free extraction of contaminants.
CO2 solutions solve your most challenging medical applications.
CO2 is a multi-problem solution – Cleaning, disinfection, and bioburden reduction.
Avoid outsourced sterilization services – LCO2 sterilization saves time, money, and volatility.
LCO2 sterilization cleans and sterilizes
Fire Service
Why is CO2 effective?
Liquid CO2 is highly effective for firefighter turnout gear cleaning for several reasons. The most important reason being the ability to pass freely between the various layers of gear. As referenced by the diagram, CO2 in a liquid phase has a lower viscosity and surface tension, allowing it to pass freely through the outer shell, moisture barrier, and the thermal liner. Whereas water-based cleaning can get through the outer shell but fails to penetrate the moisture barrier.
Additional Applications for CO2 Technology
Our processes have four important attributes:
Processes utilizing CO2 are waterless and leave behind no residue. Parts removed from the system come out clean and dry.
CO2 technology doesn’t produce any byproducts (spent solvents, rinse water, coolants). No waste disposal required.
Processes are frequently far more energy efficient than conventional alternatives.
Reduces environmental waste at the source by modifying the production process. All processes use recycled CO2 and therefore doesn’t contribute to greenhouse gases.
Where does the CO2 come from?
We use recycled CO2 that is captured from industrial processes that normally create CO2 as a byproduct or waste stream released into the atmosphere. Therefore, Cool Clean’s cleaning processes do not create additional greenhouse gases. Plus, by eliminating the use of solvents, chemicals or water it lowers the total energy to clean your products and reduces your carbon footprint.
We partner with many individuals, companies, and institutions to provide our CO2 technology solutions all over the world.

Maps Showing Global Installations of Cool Clean Systems
Some of the Companies Using Cool Clean Systems